Me And My Kings

Me And My Kings

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ungrateful people

It really upsets me when I do all I can for people and they dont appreciate me.  Its crazy how people only call u when they need u,they never call u just to see how u are doing. As long as u are doing something for people yall are friends,but as soon as u cant do something for them yall are enemies. I just really believe if you got somebody good in your corner you should hold on to them. Dont always focus on the bad things that are going on in your life take time out to be thankful for the blessings you get as well.  If u learn to appreciate the good in life it will be easier to deal with the bad, both are a part of life. Dont be an ungrateful person it is not becoming.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

life is tough

Nothing in life is free you have to work to live. It may not seem like it now but all hardwork pays off. So even if its tough stick to it cause u can do anything you put yo mind to. The sky is the limit

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

They tryna rob us

I feel as if we are being robbed because the cost of living is rising everyday. As soon as they raise minimum wage up they also raise the prices on things we need like gas, living expenses, bills,food etc.and the list goes on. We thought making more money would get us ahead but it really dont cause we need more money to live. I think they should lower the prices on a lot of things cause the economy is getting to be unaffordable. The sad part about it is they just gone keep raiseing the prices on stuff cause they know we need it and its still gone sell.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Kings Make Me Smile When Im feeling Down

My name is Nasheka Harris and i am a proud mother of four boys. My eldest son's name is deangelo and he's four years old. My second to the oldest is Joshan and he's 2 Then i have a one year old his name is Jurvillie then my baby is 3 months old and his name is Debreon. So yes i have my hands full but they make me so happy. They are so full of love and energy. They wake up smiling and it makes my day. Even when im having a bad day a hug or kiss from one of my kings will turn my frown upside down. I love my Kings.